The Best Cosmetic Items for Soldier in TF2

The soldier is one of the most reliable classes in Team Fortress 2. Anyone who plays it is always on the front line and dictates the course of the match. This means that they represent their team in a sense, and ideally, they should look good while doing so. Fortunately, the game is full of fun skins and amazing designs that have the potential to elevate any character. Today, we present a list of top 10 TF2 soldier cosmetics.

Some Brief Information About the Soldier

Soldier is one of the best Team Fortress 2 classes, mainly because of its incredible versatility. All players, beginners and old-timers alike, love to play him, as he allows people to get started in the game and also show off their best skills. After all, he’s a soldier. He must be able to adapt to all possible battle conditions.

To be honest, there are not too many bad sides to this particular Team Fortress class. It has a decent health of 200, moves quite fast (plus it can launch itself almost anywhere with its primary weapon – a rocket launcher), and deals relatively high damage. It is a great offensive character that is ideal for any sort of combat. Moreover, when things get too heated, he can easily escape and find a safe place. So if you’re looking for a good character to start your TF2 adventure or just want a break from the Demoman or Spy, the Soldier is a great choice.

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What Are Soldier’s Weapons?

In combat, the soldier uses 3 main weapons, which are:

  • Rocket launcher
  • Shotgun
  • Shovel

The rocket launcher is what he is best known for. It’s great for long-distance battles, and allows him to move quickly around the map, as he can fire it in front of him to soar through the air, or behind him to move forward quickly. In short-distance fights, on the other hand, he can use his trusty shotgun to get rid of any annoying enemies, or his shovel, which is his default melee weapon. Of course, the latter is neither impressive nor very effective, but at least it’s something.

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Top 10 Soldier Cosmetics in Team Fortress

Now that we’ve covered the basics of this rather versatile Team Fortress class, let’s get to the point of this article, which is the best cosmetic items for your soldier. Keep in mind, however, that TF2 is not a game that takes itself too seriously. That’s why some of the skins you’ll find in our compilation may seem a bit…. unique.

Soldier’s Stash

Let’s start with a classic – the Soldier’s Stash. There is nothing more fitting for this class than this helmet. It provides style, protection and allows you to take a short cigarette break whenever you need it. If you really want to feel like a military man, this is perfect for you. However, to provide a fun touch, we recommend choosing a funky color variant, such as Pink as Hell. Admittedly, your opponents may be a bit surprised by that choice, but at least you’ll get everyone’s attention.


Oh, how we love a good Halloween-themed item. None of our lists would be complete without at least one spooky skin, and that’s why today we’re introducing Zipperface. This creepy looking head (or face?) piece is perfect for anyone who likes to use the shock factor in their fights. If you want to take on your enemies from behind and scare them to death, this item is just what you need.

Kringle Collection

Now that we’ve started with the festive items, let’s just get them all out of the way. The Kringle Collection is the perfect Christmas-themed jacket that is sure to get you in the holiday spirit, but at the same time doesn’t exactly say “I want to be Santa Claus.” We like it because it’s quite subtle, but also in line with the theme. So if you’re not exactly a Christmas enthusiast, but still don’t want to be left out, add this jacket to your collection as soon as possible.

Idiot Box

Okay, before you say anything. Listen to us. The Idiot Box may look strange at first, and maybe also at second and third glance, but just like Zipperface, you can use it to cause a shock. Your opponents will certainly be stunned as soon as they see you with this thing on your head. Maybe they’ll think you’re crazy, or maybe they’ll think you’re approaching them with some brilliant distraction plan. Whatever it is, you’ll have the upper hand.


Continuing the theme of silly items, let’s talk about Panisher. This is almost on the same level as Idiot Box, however, we have to admit that we actually love it. It is the perfect combination of trying to look serious and also looking idiotic. Therefore, if you are a fan of less serious cosmetics, this one is the one you should choose. After all, what’s better than a pan on your head?


Sometimes even soldiers have to put down their weapons and engage in conversation. The Diplomat is what we would advise everyone to wear if they were to negotiate an official truce or simply wanted to look a little more distinguished (at least more so than wearing a frying pan). Some might say it’s dumber than the Idiot Box, but we think it’s one of the best cosmetic items in the game.

Battle Bird

Have you heard of Iron Man? Or Captain America? Well, we have someone even better! Introducing Battle Bird, Team Fortress 2’s ultimate superhero. He doesn’t fly, doesn’t have super strength and can’t even run that fast. But he sure looks cool! If you want to feel a little more like a Marvel or DC hero, this metal bird-looking helmet is just what you need.

Private Maggot Muncher

Now let’s talk about another kind of bird. In fact, we would like to introduce you to the Private Maggot Muncher. This item is perfect for all animal lovers or people who just feel lonely in Team Fortress 2 maps. This silly-looking eagle will not only keep you company in difficult moments, but also will surely keep all the maggots away from you!

Tank Top

No, it’s not the kind of tank top you’re thinking of (nothing ever is in Team Fortress, to be honest). This is a literal TANK TOP, as in a tank that sits on top of your head. Don’t worry, because it doesn’t affect your vision in the game in any way. Although we’re not quite sure how. Best of all, it has a little mini-soldier sitting in it!

Head Hedge

Do you like to play from stealth? Is surprising enemies your favorite pastime? If so, the Head Hedge is the item you need. Wearing this helmet, you will be able to disguise yourself as almost anything. Your enemies will never know you’re coming, and you’ll be your team’s best ace. How can a soldier sneak around as an offensive character with a rocket launcher, you ask? It doesn’t matter! What matters is that he looks cool.


As you can see, the soldier comes with lots of fun cosmetic items! If you enjoy playing this reliable military man, then you should definitely stock up on some of the options on our list. After all, nothing says “dangerous” like a cardboard box or an eagle on your shoulder!

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