When it comes to making money on LootBear, there are a couple of ways you could go about it. The first thing that you can try if you want to make money is simply to sell skins and other cosmetic items that you don't want, however, this may not be very profitable unless you get your hands on some extremely rare, or extremely sought after skins. Still, if you have skins in your inventory that you are not using, and want to see them gone in exchange for a quick payment, you have that option. Another way to get some money is for a user to actively participate in skin trading. This means that the user should have a good understanding of the skins market and be able to buy certain skins at a lower price, and then resell them at a later point in time in order to turn a profit. While this is a better way of making money through the CS: GO skin trade, it is not ideal, as this will usually take a lot of time and the profits are sometimes not the best.
The last option, and probably the best one, at least when it comes to the pay, is to simply rent out your skins and become one of the LootBear skin suppliers. The way this works is very simple, the user offers the skins that they have in their inventory to the website to rent out to other players to use, and in exchange, he/she receives funds deposited on their LootBear account. Users who agree to rent out their skins are guaranteed a 3% monthly return on their investment and can earn quite a bit of money if their skins are renting often enough. The higher the demand for your skins, the more likely are they to start renting, and the more money will be deposited into your LootBear account. According to our research, there are users who claim to have earned up to a couple of thousand dollars each month or a few hundred per week, but the average reported seems to be somewhere between $200-$400 per month or around $50 to $100 every week. It is important to note that a user is not able to rent out all of their skins. In fact, the website has a list of skins that are in demand, and only those skins that are on the list and the user has in their inventory are eligible for renting.
On the opposite spectrum, Lootbear offers another service that allows people to rent skins from the website suppliers in exchange for a subscription fee of $14. 99 every month. This means that people who subscribe get access to the CSGO skins that suppliers share on the website as long as their subscription is active. Once the $14. 99 subscription runs out or is canceled, the cosmetics that the suppliers share will be available for rent again and other people could use these items if they see fit. Lootbear promises risk-free trading and provides high security for every transaction on their site and their company makes sure that the community receives the best service possible.