What’s Inside CS2 Weekly Care Package?

Counter Strike 2 has seriously reworked how certain features work in the game. Besides changing how the CS2 competitive games work, one of the most notable changes was introduced in the reward system, in the form of weekly care packages.

So how does the new drop system work and what’s inside a CS2 weekly care package? Here at SkinCashier, you’ll learn all about the rewards you can find in your CS2 weekly care package, and how to claim rewards every week.

As always, if you need some extra money for your skins, make sure to visit Skincashier, where you can always sell CS:GO skins instantly!

What Is The CS2 Weekly Care Package System?

In Counter Strike: Global Offensive players had a chance to earn free CS2 skins just by taking a part in the game. Those were mostly consumer-grade drops though, the cheapest CS2 skins in the game.

CS2 has introduced a completely reworked free CS2 drops system. Any player, who manages to score a new XP rank during the week will be eligible to claim their CS2 weekly care package. This new take on free CS2 skin drops actually makes it easier to score better skins, removing a lot of the randomness.

Every weekly care package contains the same selection of four options:

  • One CS2 weapon case or sticker capsule (1% chance for a rare case)
  • Two skins from active collections
  • One CS2 graffiti skin
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When claiming a weekly care package, every player can choose two options and add them to the inventory.

How To Claim Your CS2 Weekly Care Package?

As we already mentioned above, you first have to play enough matches every week to score a new XP level. Keep in mind, that if you fail to claim your CS2 weekly care package before it refreshes, you will lose all of the picks inside.

Once you become eligible for a weekly care package, you should see a pop-up with it after the match where you advance to the next XP level. This makes it hard to miss, but if you somehow don’t pick it up, you can alternatively go into the store tab and claim it later during the week.

When Does CS2 Weekly Care Package Refresh?

As we already mentioned, the CS2 weekly care package contents are refreshed every week. This happens at a set time. The weekly care package in Counter Strike 2 refreshes every Tuesday at 8:00 PM CT (or 6:00 PM PT). If you fail to claim the package before the weekly countdown is over, you won’t be able to claim the contents of your current CS 2 weekly care package.

What Skins Are Inside The Weekly Care Packages?

You can get some really rare and expensive CS2 skins inside your weekly care package. The current drop rates for CS2 skins inside a weekly care package are:

  • Consumer – 79.92%
  • Industrial – 15.98%
  • Mil-spec – 3.2%
  • Restricted – 0,64%
  • Classified 0.128%
  • Covert 0.0256%

At the moment, you have a chance to receive items from the following collections inside your weekly care package:

  • The 2018 Inferno Collection
  • The 2018 Nuke Collection
  • The Bank Collection
  • The Italy Collection
  • The Lake Collection
  • The Safehouse Collection
  • The Train Collection
  • The Dust 2 Collection
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In Conclusion

That wraps it up regarding what you need to know about the CS2 weekly care package. If you enjoyed this article, make sure to check out the rest of our blog, where we regularly post more guides, top lists, and news about CS2!

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