How to Get Free CS GO Skins? – Complete Guide for 2022

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This guide is for everyone who doesn’t want to hurt their bank account balance, but still wants some free CSGO skins.

The methods you’re about to see are some of the safest ways to earn free skins in Counter-Strike Global Offensive. They also don’t require too much effort so you won’t waste a lot of time as well.

Get Free CSGO Skins from Drops

By simply playing Counter-Strike Global Offensive, you get a chance to receive drops after each match. This tactics may be pretty obvious, but it’s still one of the main ways on how to get free skins in CSGO.

Although, you shouldn’t expect extremely cool skins like the Souvenir AWP Dragon Lore to drop using this method. You also shouldn’t expect to easily stumble upon many CSGO free knife skins that are super rare, such as for the M9 Bayonet.

Get Free Skins in CSGO with SkinCashier

If you’re wondering how to get free CSGO skins that aren’t too generic or dull, using a third-party websit. For example, SkinCashier is the perfect place to do so.

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So, how can you earn free CSGO skins with SkinCashier?

It’s simple!

SkinCashier, like any other legitimate free CSGO skins website, lets you complete simple tasks in exchange for some very interesting skins, free coins, Steam gift cards, and more free bonuses.

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Compete Simple Tasks – Recieve Cool Cosmetic Items

Alternatively, you can redeem free rewards just by:

  1. completing a few paid surveys,
  2. watching videos,
  3. downloading different mobile apps,
  4. following their social media pages.

What is more, you can even get free CS:GO skins by simply connecting your Steam account and claiming the sign-up bonus. It’s as simple as that.

It really depends on the offer that’s currently displayed when you visit the site.

Take Part in Free Giveaways to Win Trendy Items

Online CS GO skin giveaways are one of the best ways you can finally get your hands on a slightly more expensive skin for free.

Unlike Counter-Strike Global Offensive drops or third-party sites, giveaways are often conducted by popular Twitch streamers or YouTubers who have expensive skins in their own inventory to give away to their loyal fans.

In addition to Twitch and YouTube, popular CSGO players and platforms often host giveaways for free CS:GO skins on social media such as Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. Most of the time, all you have to do is to follow their account and share the post.

With that in mind, this is your best chance to get rare skins in CSGO without spending any money online.

CSGO Free Skins from Tournaments

This is probably the most exciting way to get free skins in all of Counter-Strike Global Offensive. This method can let you receive some of the coolest CSGO weapon skins on the skin market.

The rules are simple:

  1. to find a good CSGO team
  2. to beat your opponents in a tournament.
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So, where can you find CSGO tournaments to play and win valuable skins at? Some of the most popular options Counter-Strike players are currently using are:

  • Challenger Mode

Challenger Mode is currently the most popular gaming tournament site where countless tournaments are frequently hosted. Best of all, it doesn’t exclusively host Counter-Strike Global Offensive tournaments. They also host Dota 2 tournaments, League of Legends, Valorant, Rocket League, and others.

challenger mode csgo tournaments

The majority of the tournaments are free to enter. However, keep in mind that some have rank restrictions, meaning you have to be a certain rank or higher to enter. In terms of rewards, some tournaments offer straight-up cash while others give you leaderboard points which then grant other prizes.

  • FACEIT Tournaments

FACEIT allows you to join professional CS GO tournaments or create your own competitions and play with friends. Both of these two types of tournaments can include a lot of exciting prizes, ranging from free coins, points, cash, and, of course, free CS:GO skins.

faceit csgo tournaments

This platform also lets you take part in tournaments for other games and play every day in competitive matchmaking game mode to increase your skill and your rank.

⚠️ Note: It’s best that you currently use a reputable site from this list for now given that there are many scammers out there as well.

Are Free CSGO Skins Worth It?

Compared to buying CSGO skins or even trading some of your own, free CS:GO skins aren’t as impressive or as valuable.

You can get more valuable CS:GO skins by trading some of your cheaper skins for a more expensive one. For example, you can trade ten skins that have less value and get one rare skin in return.

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But then, the best CS:GO skins are always the ones you buy. There’s no other sure way of getting the more expensive and valued CS:GO skins unless you buy them yourself.


Whether you prefer watching videos, answering paid surveys, or you simply want to play the game for hours every day, all of the methods mentioned above can increase your chances to get free CS:GO skins. The in-game skins you will receive using these methods may not be the best, but they are completely free. Remember this before you start raging at Valve corporation for receiving a not-so-special skin.

So, the next time you ask yourself, “how to get CSGO skins for free?“, keep all the tips and tricks you’ve seen here. in mind

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