Not Only CS:GO Trading… Make Your Fortune With CSGO Custom Skins

csgo custom skins guide

If the idea of making a ton of money from creating CSGO custom skins doesn’t entertain your thoughts – then maybe playing the game with your own custom CSGO skin will!

One particular designer, Chris Le created 5 CSGO custom weapon skins. In 2015, they were added to CSGO crates and, in 2 years, earned him a little over $200,000.

Since the end of 2013, another designer, Coridium, has begun creating CSGO weapon skins. He managed to present 50 skins. And 17 of the items become a part of CS:GO skins economy. Since then, he has made at least $680,000 selling CSGO custom skins. You might agree that it is an impressive number given the circumstances.

The developers of CSGO allow players to create their skins. So they can be remembered as part of the game’s history. So why not try and become a part of the game’s history with your very own CSGO custom skin? 

In this article, you have all the details, so let’s make this right as rain and dive in!

Can I Use Custom Skins In CS:GO?

As of 2016, people cannot play CSGO online with their custom CSGO skins. Valve implemented a prohibition on custom skins to prevent gamers from spoofing their inventory and using skins they don’t own on Community CS:GO servers. Logically, the developers wouldn’t want to reduce the worth of the most expensive skins, but this might have had unintended consequences for developing unique game types.

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To make matters more clear, here is a list of all the stuff that Valve has banned so far:

  • The ability to temporarily claim ownership of CS:GO items that aren’t already in your inventory (CS GO knives, weapon skins, etc.);
  • Falsifying your competition skill group or profile rating to get an unfair advantage;
  • Interfering with the mechanisms that enable the proper use of the inventory, items, or profile of a player’s own CS: GO;
  • Providing gamers with custom models or weapon skins that do not already exist in the CS: GO environment is likewise unacceptable.

Creating a regulation that allows for good-faith model substitutions, but prohibits anybody from generating near-identical cosmetics to ones in the store is very challenging for Valve. Valve’s Customer Care Department cabbie manages 10 million monthly unique players playing on; however many hundreds of thousands of servers there are.

It’s not clear what the solution to this problem is. An obvious one is playing a game like Garry’s Mod. This mod is constructed with custom content in mind.

How Do You Make Your Own CSGO Custom Skins?

While you might not be able to play with your custom skin, why not try to submit it and sell it. So, how to create skins in CSGO?

Following the step-by-step instructions we provided below, you should do it.


Search for ‘CSGO finishes’ from reputable sources, and download the workshop materials. Go to your ‘downloads’ folder or wherever you downloaded it. Unzip the file that contains all the OBJ’s and other stuff like the guns in the game.

You will then be able to locate the TGA and OBJ files of the required weapon. Even while the TGA file provides UV sheets, which give the skin its authentic texture, the OBJ files make up the 3D model of the skin.

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ownloading resources for creating skins


So inside of ‘Blender,’ import one of the OBJ’s. Choose any gun you want. Hop over to the texture paint mode and create a texture. You can create it in 2K, standard black, 16-bit surface, etc. Make sure to provide the name for it. So it doesn’t get mixed up with the other textures, and once named – create it.

Next, hop over to the texture mode and open the ‘shader’ editor. Create an Image texture mode and add the texture you’ve just created. Now, you can start painting.

Importing the OBJ file in Blender

Nem’s Tools

When you finish painting, download ‘Nem’s tools’ from their official webpage. Download the installer. Once it’s downloaded – open the installer and go through the installation process. Finish it up, and you’ve got new software. Then, add the image texture you’ve just created in ‘Blender.’ Keep it on default settings. It will take a few seconds, and once it’s in – save it (not export it) to any location.

It is a unique VTF file that you can use for CSGO.

Nems Tools official website for download

CSGO Workshop

Next, go to the properties of CSGO and enter ‘-console’ before you launch CSGO, so it opens up the console. Next, launch CSGO, type in ‘workshop_workbench,’ and there you have it. Import your file with the custom paint job, and that’s pretty much it. Follow the standard workflow to enable the size scale and zero out all offset texture values.

the CSGO console

How To Get Custom CSGO Skins?

Playing in online communities and on official CS:GO servers will get you access to custom weapon skins via random drops. For example, you may get them by cracking open a weapon case or a souvenir box. With a Trade Up Contract, you may exchange ten skins of the same rarity for one of a more incredible rarity.

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If you don’t mind spending a couple of bucks, trade custom weapon skins with your Steam friends, there is always the option to buy a weapon skin from the Steam market. Many skins feature distinctive descriptions that provide additional flavor text to the descriptions of their respective weapons. Several of them make allusions to characters from different CS:GO campaigns.

Final Words

Producing your custom weapon skin is no rocket science at all. You don’t need relevant skills or much previous experience, as your artistic skills and imagination are the only things necessary to produce future popular skins. Your design just might be picked by the developers and bring you fame in the CSGO community that one cannot hide.

Play CSGO, create skins and have fun. It doesn’t get better than that, does it?

It does actually as you can also sell CSGO skins through an auction or a bot. Keep in mind that the skins you provide for sale should be as distinctive and appealing as possible.

Valve still doesn’t allow players to use their skins while playing online because they fear malicious software might take advantage of it. Nevertheless, you can always see what your skin looks like while playing offline.

Have fun!

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