Best Rust PvP Settings

Rust is a PvP game, first and foremost. Although you don’t necessarily have to raid other players and play aggressively, not everyone in the game has good intentions. If you gather a lot of resources and build an attractive base, sooner or later you will have to fight off other players who’ll try to part you from your resources.

Once you establish yourself in Rust, it’s crucial to know how to stand your ground. We already have a Rust PvP guide on our blog, but here comes another important aspect of the game: best Rust settings for PvP!

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Why You Need Rust PvP Settings?

Although skill is first and foremost the most important factor in Rust PvP, tweaking your game settings can give you an edge over other players, especially if you’re playing on an older computer setup. Although the game graphics might look worse when you use Rust PvP settings, you can avoid accidental FPS drops, that can lead to your demise in-game, as well as the loss of precious resources.

What Are The Best Rust Settings For PvP?

Here is everything you need to know about the best Rust settings for PvP. First of all, if you want to get some advantage over other players in PvP, there are some gameplay and censorship settings, that can affect your game performance. Here are the most optimal settings you can use for your game:

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  • Limit Flashing: Off
  • Hide signs: Off
  • Show Blood: On
  • Nudity: Underwear
  • Censor Recordings: Off
  • Internet Audio Streams: On
  • Streamer Mode: Off


  • Hit Cross: On
  • Field of View: 90.0
  • Crosshair: Off
  • Compass Visibility: On
  • Hurt Flash: On
  • Rich Presence: On
  • FPS Counter: Basic

Graphics Quality

The graphics quality tab contains probably the most settings you can choose out of all the menus in the game. Here are some of the key options you must tweak to get the best FPS in the game. In this guide, we focus on settings that will prioritize performance over awesome visuals, so here are the most optimal graphics settings, that will let you avoid FPS drops and make it easier to outplay other Rust gamers:

  • Graphics Quality: 6 
  • Water Quality: 0
  • Water Reflections: 0
  • Shadow Quality: 0
  • Shadow Cascades: No Cascades
  • Draw Distance: 600-1000
  • Shader Level: 600
  • Anisotropic Filtering: 2
  • Parallax Mapping: 0
  • Glass displacement: Off 

Image Settings

Last but not least, the image settings menu includes a number of features, that boost the visuals and make the game significantly more aesthetically pleasing, but also require a significantly powerful rig to use without causing FPS drops. While the game might not be so aesthetically pleasing without motion blur or anti-aliasing, it will definitely run smoother. If you want to get the best Rust settings for PvP, just disable all of the image settings:

  • Anti-Aliasing: Off
  • Depth of Field: Off
  • Ambient Occlusion: Off
  • High-Quality Bloom: Off
  • Lens Dirt: Off
  • Motion Blur: Off
  • Sun Shafts: Off
  • Sharpen: Off
  • Vignetting: Off 

In Conclusion

While tweaking graphics settings won’t instantly make you a better player, it will definitely give you some advantage over gamers with less optimized game settings. If you liked this guide, make sure to check out the rest of our blog, where we regularly post more Rust tips, tricks and guides!

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