Best CSGO Settings Guide in 2022

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Having lag or stutters when playing CSGO can often mean the difference between winning and losing a match. In other words, the proper game optimisation (e.g. for higher fps) can guarantee you better performance, as well as more fun.

Thus, it is crucially important to set up your best CSGO settings in accordance with basic parameters of your gaming device.

In this article, you will find the best csgo settings guide for better CSGO experience. Let’s deepen our understanding of this topic together.

Steam Launch Best CSGO Settings

When it comes to CSGO best settings, the first thing you have to learn is the CSGO Steam Launch Options. Steam provides players with many different ways to tweak and customize their video game experience before even launching the game. You can disable or enable any game features that you can’t configure in any other way.

Below it is step by step instruction how to use Steam Launch Options to configure your game according to your personal preferences:

  • to start with, you need to open your Steam application
  • then go to the Library tab.
  • Locate CSGO and right-click on it.
  • Click Properties and then head to the General tab.
  • Finally, click on “Set Launch Options”.

This will open a dialogue box in which you will be able to type any CSGO console commands you with.

What do You Need to Know About GPU Settings in CS:GO?

Lowering your FPS drops and improving CSGO performance can also be done by tweaking your GPU settings. In order to achieve the best settings for CSGO, you will need to:

  • disable anisotropic filtering,
  • antialiasing-gamma correction,
  • triple buffering,
  • and vertical sync.

In order to do so, launch the Nvidia control panel settings menu by right-clicking on your desktop screen. Then head over to 3D Settings on the newly opened window. FInally, simply find the features mentioned above and turn them off.

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In-game Graphics Settings


Now that we have covered the GPU settings and the Steam launch options, the next step is to go over the best CSGO settings that we can access from the game menu.

  • Aspect Ratio

When tweaking the video settings in-game settings menu, the first option you will see is the Aspect ratio. Most modern monitors today have a 16:9 aspect ratio. It will usually be automatically detected by the game. So this is not something that you should worry about too much. Nevertheless, you should always use the native aspect ratio of your monitor.

  • Resolution

When it comes to the resolution settings, you should always use the resolution of your screen. However, if your performance is severely suffering, you can lower it down. Just keep in mind to go below 720p.

  • Display mode

When it comes to the display mode, simply use full screen. It ensures the best CSGO performance. Thanks to it you will not be distracted by other things that are going on in the background that you would notice in windowed mode.

  • Laptop Power Savings

This setting is only useful for those who play on the laptop. Laptop power savings ensure that the battery life of your laptop lasts longer. However, it also severely limits the FPS and graphics of your game. To achieve the best settings possible, you should always disable this option.

Advanced Video

Now that we finish with the basic video settings, let’s take a look at the advanced video options. And see how we can optimize them for the best CSGO performance.

  • Global Shadow Quality

The shadow quality setting is probably the one that has the biggest impact on your FPS. Set to low in order to optimize performance. While having this set higher does offer some advantages, you should only do so if you have a high-end graphics card.

  • Model Texture Detail
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The model texture detail setting has little to no impact on the fps, and only affects VRAM. If you are using a GPU that has 4GB of VRAM or more, then you should probably set this to high since your game will look much better that way.

  • Texture Streaming

This is a relatively new option that causes textures to load only when needed. Texture streaming is very demanding when it comes to RAM and VRAM and can greatly affect your fps. If you are using a lower-end system, you should disable this option.

  • Effect Detail

This option allows the player to see better through Molotov smoke when turned on to high. It is essential for AWPers and Riflers. We recommend to set up it to high.

  • Shader Detail

The Shader detail setting works similar to effect detail settings and allows you to see better through Molotov and incendiary smoke so set this to very high.

  • Boost Player Contrast

This option helps you spot enemies easier and should be enabled at all times.

  • Multicore Rendering

Multicore rendering should be enabled if your CPU has 4 or more cores. As it will drastically boost your fps.

  • Multisampling Anti Aliasing Mode

Multisampling anti-aliasing mode has a huge impact on your fps. It is better to disable it. 

  • Texture filtering mode

Set this option to Bilinear as it helps you spot enemies easier.

  • Wait For Vertical Sync

This option should be disabled unless you are using an RTH and a Gsync monitor.

  • Motion Blur

Motion blur should always be disabled.

  • User Shaders

Enable it only if you play on lower-end computer.

Windows Performance – Best CS:GO Settings

Set Your Power Plan On High Performance

Setting your machine to use the high-performance power plan will ensure that it is always utilizing all of the resources available to it which results in better overall performance in all applications, including a higher fps in CSGO.

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To do so, you will need to open the Control Panel and head to Power Options. Click on the Show Additional Plans option and choose the High-Performance Power Plan.

Turn Off Game Mode

Windows 10 comes with its own gaming mode and enabling this feature lowers fps drops in CSGO and increases its performance, so this is something that you want to do if you wish to maximize your framerates.

In order to do this, type one “game mode settings” into the windows search bar and simply check the box next to the option. While you are here, you should also disable the Xbox Game Bar feature.

Add CSGO To High-Performance

The last thing you can do within the windows performance settings is add CSGO to High-Performance. This can be done by typing “Graphics settings” in the windows search bar. Start by turning on “hardware-accelerated GPU settings” and then restart your PC. Upon doing so, return to the previous page and click “browse” under the desktop app drop-down. From here paste the link to the CSGO folder and add it to high-performance.

Mouse Settings

The majority of professional CSGO players have their DPI setting set between 400 and 800. We recommend that you start with a lower DPI setting and work upward until you find a setting that works best for you. When it comes to Polling rate, most pros stick with 1000Hz. But this is not set in stone.

Mouse sensitivity plays a huge role when it comes to accuracy and most players tend to have it set between 2 and 4, however, this entirely depends on your personal preference. Zoom sensitivity should usually be set to 1.


In this article, you will find a complete instruction on how to set up the best CSGO settings meeting the basic requirements of your gaming devices. Either you play CS:GO on PC or laptop you can set up each characteristic accordingly following the exact settings guide presented above. 


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